About us
“The Indian healthcare system has made huge strides in cost-effective preventive and therapeutic interventions to address most illnesses. Nevertheless, due to lack of sufficient transportation services, physical, economical and geographical constraints the disadvantaged population in rural and urban slum areas still face several challenges to accessing these facilities leading to delayed clinical interventions and poor health outcomes.
Digital health technology and telemedicine have demonstrated a high potential for overcoming these obstacles and reaching out to the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. With the support of trained healthcare workers and coordinators, who will act as a point of connectivity for patients and specialist health services, a tremendous amount of pressure on tertiary healthcare can be reduced.”
“Digisahayam is an assisted telemedicine program developed by the BRIDGE Centre for Digital Health - Centre for Chronic Disease Control with the goal of improving healthcare quality and accessibility through trained professionals who assist urban underprivileged populations in accessing telemedicine platforms.
We aim to provide quality healthcare to every remote patient by combining an interoperable and innovative platform that embeds electronic health records, an in-built clinical decision support system, and numerous state-of-the-art digital health technologies that provide a physician with comprehensive information about the patients' past and present illnesses.”
Our Partners
Digisahayam is a joint-assisted telemedicine program by the BRIDGE Centre for Digital Health, Centre for Chronic Disease Control (CCDC), and the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI).
Centre for Chronic Disease Control (CCDC)
Centre for Chronic Disease Control (CCDC) is a New Delhi based not-for-profit organization, established in December 2000. The mission of CCDC is primarily intended to address the growing challenge of chronic diseases, in varied settings of the developing countries through, Knowledge generation, which can inform policies and empower programmes for the prevention and control of chronic diseases, and Knowledge translation intended to operationalize research results by bridging the critical gaps between relevant research and effective implementation, through analytic work, capacity building, advocacy and development of educational resources for enhancing the empowerment of people and professionals. CCDC has been recognized as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) by Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. It also holds registration under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976. CCDC undertakes clinical research with special emphasis on chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD).
Within the spectrum of chronic diseases, our main focus areas are: cardiology, diabetes and metabolic disease, vascular diseases, cancers and mental health. In addition, basic science research in diet/nutrition and cardiac biochemistry are also carried out. The research work at CCDC has produced major insights into the epidemiology, developmental origin, and biomarkers of CVD and diabetes in India; practice patterns on Acute Coronary Syndrome; translation research in CVDs; and development of low-cost combination drugs for primary and secondary prevention of CVDs in South Asia. CCDC holds recognition as a ‘Centre of Excellence in Clinical Research’ from the Clinical Development Service Agency (CDSA), Department of Biotechnology, and Government of India. It is also a WHO Collaborating Centre for Surveillance, Capacity building and Translational Research in Cardio-Metabolic Diseases.
Public Health Foundation of India
The Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) is a public private initiative that has collaboratively evolved through consultations with multiple constituencies including Indian and International academia, state and central governments, multi & bi-lateral agencies and civil society groups. PHFI is a response to redress the limited institutional capacity in India for strengthening training, research and policy development in the area of Public Health. Structured as an independent foundation, PHFI adopts a broad, integrated approach to public health, tailoring its endeavors to Indian conditions and bearing relevance to the countries facing similar challenges and concerns.
The PHFI focuses on broad dimensions of public health that encompass promotive, preventive and therapeutic services, many of which are frequently lost in policy planning as well as in popular understanding. 14th Prime Minister of India launched PHFI on March 28, 2006 at New Delhi with a vision to strengthen India's public health institutional and systems capability and provide knowledge to achieve better health outcomes for all. PHFI recognizes the fact that meeting the shortfall of health professionals is imperative to a sustained and holistic response to the public health concerns in the country which in turn requires health care to be addressed not only from the scientific perspective of what works, but also from the social perspective of, who needs it the most.